Saturday, December 24, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Christmas is soon here and I have to get out and get shopping!!! Usually I am done by the end of November, but there were too many changes this year. This weekend I will start and finish. And because the holidays are coming, I hope I can get the old camera out again and update some photos.
Hope everyone is well and you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Coolest pictures of coffee you'll see all day.
National Wildlife's photography contest winners.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Tips for Handling Telemarketers & Junk Mail
The three little words are: "Hold On, Please..."
Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking off (instead of hanging-up immediately) would make each telemarketing call so much more time-consuming that boiler room sales would grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the phone company's "beep-beep-beep" tone, you know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has efficiently completed its task.
These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting.
2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on the other end?
This is a telemarketing technique where a machine makes phone calls and records the time of day when a person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine the best time of day for a "real" sales person to call back and get someone at home.
What you can do after answering, if you notice there is no one there, is to immediately start hitting your # button on the phone, 6 or 7 times, as quickly as possible This confuses the machine that dialed the call and it kicks your number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have your name in their system any longer !!!
3) Junk Mail Help:
When you get "ads" enclosed with your phone or utility bill, return these "ads" with your payment. Let the sending companies throw their own junk mail away.
When you get those "pre-approved" letters in the mail for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-paid return envelopes, right? It costs them more than the regular 37 cents postage "IF" and when they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw them away! The postage was around 50 cents before the last increase and it is according to the weight. In that case, why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it in these cool little, postage-paid return envelopes.
One of Andy Rooney's (60 minutes) ideas.
Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner to American Express.
Send a pizza coupon to Citibank.
If you didn't get anything else that day, then just send them their blank application back!
If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't on anything you send them.
You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just to keep them guessing! It still costs them 37 cents.
The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a lot of their own junk back in the mail, but folks, we need to OVERWHELM them. Let's let them know what it's like to get lots of junk mail, and best of all they're paying for it...Twice!
Let's help keep our postal service busy since they are saying that e-mail is cutting into their business profits, and that's why they need to increase postage costs again. You get the idea !
If enough people follow these tips, it will work ---- I have been doing this for years, and I get very little junk mail anymore.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Five to nine percent of 911 calls in Eastern Ontario are legitimate police emergencies.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
News flash...
I've been slowly plugging away at my Electro-Mechanical course on Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday nights.
Mom's business is all closed up for the season and already we can't wait for March to roll around again.
Camping season is over (I don't do winter camping), can't wait for Spring.
Because of my course, I miss curling. I have not heard any of the GACL Slop, so I will have to take a Monday night off and drop into the Hylands Curling Club.
Sarah is already getting on to me about Christmas and the decorations that go along with it. She wants to decorate now and I say it's too early. To please her I will dig out the decorations this weekend and get them ready...but NOT put them up.
I've also been thinking of a friend. I believe (and you know it) that your an extremely "strong" person. You will fight through this !
For those of you that know; November 21st is a new beginning and I am really excited about it. A little nervous, but ready, willing and able. For those that don't know, I will tell you when I can. I made a promise.
Finally, something that we would like to share with everyone. I don't know how it started, but it must have been a boring day. Koziol Bros. has a "short" film ready for the general public. After attending the "closed to the public" premier screening last Saturday afternoon in Todd's living room, "HED" is now being released to all with rave reviews about a stellar cast.
So, the independant flick is now available at the producers personal web site. You can view it there, with one little problem. The totally awesome version is a huge file which could take you 24 hours to download/view it and the smaller reduced quality file takes no time. Go ahead and try those files, but let me tell you this...after watching it on DVD, you will not experience the awesome production and quality in the "reduced quality" file.
The best thing to do is order your own personal DVD. You get the excitement of seeing Sarah in her first film. The cost of this DVD (as of today) is "the promise of receiving all Koziol Bros. films to be released in the future". This is a special deal and we do not know how long we can hold on to this deal. Just send me an email for your copy.
There is a warning...If the demand is so great, delivery may be delayed. And if you don't order one, you might just receive it for Christmas.
The DVD includes the complete 9 minute movie and added Bonus Features. I called down to the Marketing Department yesterday for another promotional copy and I was informed that there was NONE left at the moment, I have to wait for the next batch from production. It's going to be a hit!
Before I sign off. I heard that a certain female in the cast is already writing more scripts for her future endeavors.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Top 10 Bush bloopers of all time.
Wolf kills human for first time in 100 years.
This week's amazing photo of one of Saturn's moons (with hi-res link).
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Vietnamese farmers feed tons of bird-flu-carrying chicken feces to nation's fish each day, which swim to Ho Chi Minh City to be caught and eaten. What could possibly go wrong?
Two drunken moose invade home for elderly. A moose once bit my sister. She was carving her initials into it with a toothbrush when...
Man creates device to keep pizza toppings from sliding off pie during delivery; is expected to be leading candidate for Nobel Prize.
Bad: You wreck your car. Worse: Your car hits an electricity substation. Worst: There are a million bees living in it.
Mechanics diagnose car's ailment as an acute case of squirrel-deposited nuts in the air filter.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The universe really DOES revolve around Paris Hilton's hoo-ha.
In an effort to destroy even more of your childhood memories, Mr. Potatohead put on diet and exercise program.
House for sale...complete with Bride.
"So what are you in for?" "Murder. I'm up for parole in 2012. How 'bout you?" "Selling 75 gallons of stolen maple syrup. I'm a lifer."
Today's "man battles deer to the death in daughter's bedroom" story courtesy of Bentonville, Ark. Bambi unavailable for comment.
Argentine newspaper reporter gets answer to the burning question, "what's in George W. Bush's pants?"
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The No. 1 rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club. The No. 2 rule is you don't tell police why you are naked and having Fight Club in the parking lot of an Indiana restaurant.
Ten worst jobs in science, No. 3: Kansas biology teacher.
Canada's last working submarine catches fire. No word on the status of its screen door, glass bottom.
Leave it to a country singer to compare his recent divorce to the theft of a big screen TV.
Cold cruel world.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Try passing the new UK citizenship test. Questions include "What do you do if you spill someone's pint in the pub?"
9-year old runs onto football field and slide tackles a player when bet £20 that he sucked at tackling.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Was there a Battle of Ontario hockey game on Saturday night? I don't know if 8 to 0 for the Ottawa Senators is a battle. Also, I think Darcy Tucker died! No really...after seeing him sprawled on the ice after a hit (if you call that a hit, more of a "sorry for bumping into you", Mister Volchenkov).
It was a good day for sports in Ottawa (minus the Renegade loss), set the clocks back and Catch the Senators - Flyers game on later tonight!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Nothing going on here
Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Not much going on here. This past week has been a week of sitting around the house with a very sick daughter, who seems to be having bad reactions to all the medications being prescribed to her.
No new journeys, as weather has turned from summer to winter (almost). Seems like the hot temperature was months ago. Which reminds me...DON"T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK an hour tonight!
Have been trying to soak up all this crazy stuff for my course that I am enrolled in. History of electronics is quite boring (to some!). But I have to start somewhere.
Taking a break this today as I am heading out to the Ottawa-Montreal football game at 3:00 (look for me on CBC). Then it's back home to catch the Ottawa-Toronto hockey game (don't look for me here).
Let's see.....
Sorry to the Parkers, especially Jayna, for not being able to get out to see you on Sunday with Sarah, she is still down with her sore throat and stomach sick. Send our Birthday wishes!
Mother, you must be closing up soon! I guess I best get my ass out there. (PS - I finally got those pictures developed for you)
Ronalyn, glad you had a great time in Scotland!
Jackie and Susan, I hope your winning! I'd love to know read the slop. I will have to take a Monday off and go watch a game.
Halloween is Monday!Friday, October 28, 2005
Canadians track progress of beer keg across Atlantic as a "security exercise." Being Canadians, they never lost sight of the keg.
Britain to get first beaver in 500 years, hopes its parents are away that weekend.....FOLLOW UP...Despite earlier reports, beavers not free in Britain. Giant misshapen teeth still confined to humans.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Top 100 best beers in the world.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
When you're the head of a large advertising firm hosting an expensive dinner, it's not a good idea to tell guests that females make crappy workers, often 'wimping out to go suckle something'.
2001, A Space Odyssey, in only ten minutes. Bonus: explains what the hell Kubrick was talking about.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Top 100 toys of yesteryear.
Scared of being alone in the dark, Ontario joins the United States in adopting new Daylight Saving Time scheme.
Premier of Alberta runs red light while demonstrating Smart car. In addition to the pictures the press took, he'll be getting one from the red light camera.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
MSNBC reports on the coming apocalypse. EVERYBODY PANIC!
Drunk guy gets busted at the toll booth in Florida. The dead body in the windshield aroused suspicion.
Ahh, autumn: The time of year when trees prepare for winter, change color and kill each other.
Van Halen to be next band to look for singer on Rock Star reality show?
Lunch at the White House almost ruined when Bush asks Bono to sing that "I've Got You Babe" song.
Starbucks stirs things up with a God quote on cups: "Jesus Christ, this cup of coffee cost $5?" to be the first.
FOLLOW UP.........."Big piece of poop" withdraws from mayoral race.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The 360 making nice progress in Japan, but the PS3 still dominates.
The Xbox has had quite the rocky road in Japan. Saying the Japanese gamer isn't interested in the console is sort of an understatement. Saying that the Japanese gamer would be willing to pay you money so they wouldn't have to look at one would be closer to the money.
You have to keep that in mind while looking at the results of Famitu's new study on the how the Japanese are looking at the next generation of systems. While 24% as wanting one and 40% undecided don't seem like huge numbers, from where they were with the XBox it's an almost startling improvement. Of course the PS3 is still way ahead, but that doesn't surprise anyone. The Revolution seems to have a healthy amount of support as well.
There are some interesting numbers here, and it looks like the 360 may be closing in on the Japanese market quicker than many had assumed.
Digital TV switch in April 2009?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Sanfords Fantasy League
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
By adding energy, such as heat or light, it is possible for a valence orbit electron to absorb this energy and move into the valence orbit of a neighboring atom. An electron freed from its valence state is called a free electron. Because a single cubic inch of copper contains approximately 1.4 x 10 to the power of24 free electrons, a veritable cloud of free electrons moves about in a piece of copper. An atom that has lost one or more valence electrons has a net positive charge and is called a positive ion. This concept of free electrons is extremely important, because free electrons make an electric current possible.
As an electron moves from the valence orbit of one atom into the valence orbit of another atom, it leaves behind a space that it used to occupy. This space is often referred to as a hole. By definition, a hole is the absence of a negative electron and cannot be electrically neutral. Consequently, holes are considered to be positively charged and equal in magnitude to the negative charge of an electron.
I feel like I should have went to my science classes!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Graphic Arts Curling League
Any how, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend! (forgot I had a camera...few pics, or was it the laid back weekend)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Ottawa Senators' special teams had the Corel Centre buzzing Saturday night.
Ottawa scored three times on the power play, including Dany Heatley's first two goals as a Senator, and once while short-handed in a 5-0 victory over the Buffalo Sabres. Read more at TSN...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Worse: Having it televised live.
Dumbass: Doing practically the same thing last year.
Back to school
This Saturday is the Ottawa Senators home opener. So, I will not be up at the lake till Sunday, just in time for Turkey!
Sarah is driving me crazy to get on the computer, so I have to get off now. Be back soon
Monday, October 03, 2005
Turn Down The TV, Please. We're Trying To Enjoy The Great Outdoors
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Countries ranked by plummeting off a cliff mortality rate
Get different stats & graphs, here is one on "Countries ranked by plummeting off a cliff mortality rate"
170Mb per second through your electric outlet
The common electric socket will serve as your home's connection to broadband with a new chip developed by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. — doing away with all the Ethernet cables or the hassle of hooking up to a wireless network device.
October has arrived...already!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Rock-Paper-Scissors goes extreme
Take a look...
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Bra check spurs nursing home worker to sue
The top 10 science pictures of the year
Highway video ads raise alarm
Fake Stone takes the mick
Remote-control warfare: How PlayStation 2 saves U.S. lives
Hasek and Senators cut up Sabres
Zdeno Chara, Steve Martins, Chris Neil, Anton Volchenkov and Chris Phillips scored for the Senators (5-0-0).
It was Hasek's second appearance in Buffalo since orchestrating his own trade from the Sabres to Detroit following the 2001 season. Hasek played nine seasons in Buffalo.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Senators too strong for Maple Leafs
Brandon Bochenski scored three goals with an assist while linemate Jason Spezza added a goal and three assists to lead the Ottawa Senators past the Toronto Maple Leafs 7-4 in exhibition play Sunday night.
Bochenski now has five pre-season goals as he is taking full advantage of the opportunity the Senators' coaching staff has given him. Last season with the American Hockey League's Binghamton Senators, Bochenski had 34 goals and 36 assists while mostly playing with Spezza.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
There was an interesting program on Discovery tonight. Some human remains wearing 15th century amour were found in a glacier in Europe, and then a dragon's corpse was found, a dragon's layer. It turns out there were prehistoric dragons at the time of dinosaurs, and just like the shark, tortoise, and crocodile, survived in the oceans. They had "flight bladders", like a second set of lungs, that would fill with hydrogen to help them take flight, since they weighed 900 pounds and the wingspan was only 20 feet. The dragons had incisor teeth, and grinding teeth, they would eat rock, specifically rock high in platinum deposits, and that platinum was used as a catalyst to ignite the hydrogen, and thus "breathed fire". They also had a false palette to prevent fire from turning back and scorching their lungs, just like a crocodile has one to prevent water from drowning them.
Is it merely myth and legend? I don't know, but fascinating nonetheless.
Crosby scores; Pens pounded by Sens
Brian Pothier scored twice for Ottawa (3-0-0), and Jeff Heerema, Anton Volchenkov, Denis Hamel and Bryan Smolinski added goals.
Crosby, the No. 1 pick in the 2005 entry draft from Coal Harbour, N.S., scored during a two-man advantage midway through the second period. He took a cross-ice pass from Ryan Whitney and scored off his own rebound after Ray Emery stopped the initial shot.
Ryan Malone also scored for the Penguins (0-2-2), with Mario Lemieux assisting on the power-play goal.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Hasek Sharp as Sens down Pens
Hasek didn't allow a goal in his 33 minutes and 46 seconds in the crease. Kelly Guard of Prince Albert, Sask., signed as a free agent in May 2004, went the rest of the way and stopped 11.
''I had fun after I made a few saves,'' said Hasek, 40, playing for the first time since a groin injury sidelined him in 2003. ''They were without a lot of their big guns.
''I didn't face the best shooters, so I'm not too excited about it. I'm sure it will be different with Mario (Lemieux) and (Sidney) Crosby in their lineup. Overall, it was a good start for me.''
Bochenski, a second-year pro out of the University of North Dakota, now has two goals and two assists in two pre-season games playing alongside centre Jason Spezza and newly-acquired Dany Heatley. Last season, the right-winger from Blaine, Minn., led all AHL rookies in scoring with 70 points (34 goals, 36 assists) with the Binghamton Senators. He was Ottawa's ninth pick, 223rd overall, in the 2001 entry draft.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Finally a movie to watch...
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I am going to try and get caught up.
First thing is first, a couple a weks ago, I helped my best buddy put together his new shed from RONA. I have to apologize for not mentioning it, I feel horible.
I feel like I have Mono, so tired all the time. (I say that cause it is going around the office). But...
The shed was easy, it was the unlevel land that was hard.
For not mentionioning it earlier, here is a nice picture! So sorry man...

You even got your shed on the front page.
Here is another one

...take a look and let me know of your designs for a new extended deck!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Police confirm body of missing Ottawa teenager found
Ottawa Police confirmed Monday that a body found near a hiking trail, just steps from a frequently used parking lot, is that of eighteen-year-old Jennifer Teague who disappeared on her way home from work Sept. 8.
The body was found Sunday about five kilometres from the west-end restaurant where Teague was last seen after working the late shift. The body was partly covered by tree branches.
Friday, September 16, 2005
We got Frankie!
Position is currently filled. But if you have any other ideas, just let me know.
Well, it looks like Tarantula was swallowed by a bird or stepped on. Tarantula's Picks may not get off the ground after all! Tarantula is MIA. So, I will have to look for another being that likes to watch movies or read books, etc. If you know of someone who would be interested in the position and likes to give their opinion, let me know! You can even give yourself an alias and I will give you the space to let loose. Just send me an email.
Rogers, Bell Canada team up
Bitter rivals Rogers Communications Inc. and Bell Canada have agreed to jointly build and manage a wireless high-speed Internet network that is expected to reach more than two-thirds of Canadians in less than three years.
The two communications companies will pool their wireless broadband spectrum into a joint venture called Inukshuk Internet Inc. The network will cover more than 40 cities, and 50 rural and remote communities across the country. Users will be able to access the Internet and use voice, video streaming and data applications both inside their home, as well as on the go.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Mój Brat (polish for "My Brother")
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Senators Fanfest to Launch 14th Season
Free event includes open practices and GM Sens Street Tour.
The Ottawa Senators’ Fanfest returns to the Corel Centre Saturday, Sept. 17, to launch the club’s 14th season in the NHL. The event will feature open team practices, the GM Sens Street Tour, a pancake breakfast, a free poster and a Senators equipment sale.Fanfest begins outdoors on the Gate 1 plaza with a pancake breakfast at 8 a.m. Proceeds from the breakfast and donations to the free Fanfest events will go to the Canadian Red Cross in support of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Fund.
Spartacat, the Senators ambassador of fun, will open the doors to the Corel Centre at 8:30 a.m. Head coach Bryan Murray will also be in the stands watching over the first group of players practising at 9 a.m. The second group comes on the Corel Centre ice for an 11:30 a.m. practice.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Canadian Satellite Radio
John I. Bitove,
Chairman and CEO of CSR.
September 9th. 2005
Chinese Farmers Bag Black Gold
The state controlled China Daily said farmers were making $1,000 a month from the scam, which is partly being driven by China's rocketing demand for fuel.
The farmers, based near Yan'an and Yulin cities, have been selling the stolen oil to small refineries.
The paper said their plastic bags, when full, weighed 50kg (8 stone).
One of the farmers involved told the paper that local people had not benefited from the region's recent oil development.
"Because of a decrease in our farmland, we have no land for crops and have no way to get money out of the land," he said.
Surfing porn at work safely brought to you by Mitsubishi
Moon, Sun and Yosemite Align For Photo
Astronomers have pinned down the exact time and date that renowned photographer Ansel Adams snapped his ethereal picture, "Autumn Moon," and have determined that the sun, moon and mountains will align in the same positions on Thursday.
The Texas State University astronomers, who have earned a reputation for nailing down historical dates and events, reached their conclusions after poring through celestial history, plotting lunar phases, building a special computer program and calculating shadow angles.
They concluded that Adams snapped the shutter at 7:03 p.m. on Sept. 15, 1948 — not in 1944 as was long believed.
Soup Kitchen Cater To Well-Heeled
For decades they have been an invaluable source of nutrition for London's homeless. But now, mobile soup kitchens are attracting new customers, those who are not poor and needy but just too lazy to cook.
More than 80 per cent of the people using the British capital's soup kitchens, which also hand out food such as sandwiches, are in fact not homeless, The Times newspaper has reported.Research by Westminster Council, whose remit covers much of the city centre, said that the 65 mobile soup kitchens were increasingly being seen as a free, convenient catering service.
On a recent survey of outlets, council researchers heard of one man who was saving money to buy a football season ticket and regularly took sandwiches home to his apartment to eat in front of the television.
"People come out of hostels and flats because it's free and it saves cooking," one user of a soup kitchen on The Strand, a central London street, told the survey.
Westminster Council is to discuss the findings next week, the report said. According to the paper, the council views the number of free food services, run by a variety of charities, many of them religious, as excessive, meaning homeless people are discouraged from leaving the streets.
Less Plaque, More Action Films
Leaning back in the dentist's chair with a drill whirring in the background represents, for most people, one of life's more agitating experiences.
For patients of Dr. Bruce Bothwell, however, such moments simply provide a chance to watch the opening credits.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Sarah's Photos
So, you may have to take a look once in a while in Sarah's Photos, sometimes she is taking pictures when nobody knows what she's doing.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Kin, Friends fear for teen
A BARRHAVEN mother is fearing the worst after her 18-year-old daughter went missing after her shift at a fast food restaurant early Thursday morning.
Ottawa police were asking for public help last night in finding Jennifer Teague, who went missing after she worked the closing shift at Wendy's Restaurant at Barrhaven Town Centre.
Her mother, Jean Teague, said her daughter was working until about 12:30 a.m. when she met girlfriends Lydia Dobson and Alicia Blais at a nearby grocery store.
She was last seen in the area of Jockvale and Tartan roads around 1 a.m. Thursday.
Both teens said there was nothing unusual about the conversation. "She told me she had to go home to go to school," said Blais, 19. "She said 'I'll call you when I come home from school.' "Full Story...
Jennifer is described as a white girl, with a thin, fit build. She's about 5-ft.-4, 106 lbs. and has blue eyes, shoulder-length, straight dyed dark brown hair.
She was last seen carrying a backpack with her Wendy's uniform inside. She was wearing light blue jeans, a white tank top, red shoes and a black zip-up velveteen type sweater.
Anyone with information is asked to phone Barlow at 236-1222, ext. 5115.Thursday, September 08, 2005
I had this email when I got home tonight, so tonight I am Sarah's most favorite person in the world!
You're the winner of the Barbie’s “My Scene” giveaway that we had today on A-Channel morning. You can stop by the station anytime from Monday - Friday between 8am and 5pm to pick up your prize from our front desk. The address is 87 George St. We hold all prizes for 30 days only.
A-Channel Ottawa
Killbear Park
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Coming Soon...The Revolution Begins!
Mystery Bulge in Oregon Still Growing
Looking for a new home
Space entrepreneurs eyeing Mars as a hub of some future solar system economy launched a startup on Tuesday to mine the red planet for building materials.
The new company, 4Frontiers, plans to mine Mars for building materials and energy sources, and export the planet's mineral wealth to forthcoming space stations on the moon and elsewhere.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The Equity
Hockey Country
But...more exciting news, is the fact that I get to go to the home opener against the Buffalo Sabres on October 8th. I thank my buddy Mark and also to his buddy Cam for getting great seats to the first game, CHEERS!
Killarney Park
First Day of School
I know some grade 3's that are NOT looking forward to that. I also know one grade 3 student that is excited but a little nervous to this morning. Well, she had a great day! I hope all your children had a wonderful and safe day.
Dinner at the cabin
PS - Can't beat the Pinball wizrd!
Stompin Tom
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Happy Anniversary OMA & OPA
Thursday, September 01, 2005
August has ended
Thanks to the Bellantoni's for having Sarah over for a birthday gathering. "Happy Birthday to Santana!"
Thanks to my buddies for dinner tonight, it was delicious, sorry I had to leave early!!!
I threw a couple of new photos in the August Photo's from last weekend, and created Septembers Photo's (nothing there yet). The EX is over, August is over, NFL is starting soon, my tickets arrived in the mail yesterday for SENS vs LEAFS (pre-season)...So summer is ended and HOCKEY begins!
"Wake me up when September ends"
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Tired :{
Tarantula's Flick Pick

I have gone out and found an anonymous person that was willing to spend all their time sitting in front of a Big Screen or in front of their own TV. This person will be telling us their pick, and give the movie a rating of

So, stick around and I will let you know when the first rating is up, and we will all be introduced to Tarantula's Flick Pick!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Canada's snowiest, foggiest, sunniest winners announced
Do you think you live through the hottest, coldest, sunniest or just plain lousiest weather in Canada?
Well, you may be in for a shock. Environment Canada released Monday its list of who's top and who's not in Canadian weather. "Some of the results will be sure to surprise you," said David Phillips, author of the study. The study used 30 years of data for Canada's 10 provinces, three territories in 70 weather categories. Environment Canada last released a similar study in 2003.Read results Last Updated Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:15:42 EDT, CBC News
Senators acquire Dany Heatley
Monday, August 22, 2005
Summer Holidays seem to be over
Myself and Sarah had a wonderful 5 days camping. Even with the overcast/scattered showers days and one night of heavy rain. We both sat back and relaxed and did a lot of reading. Even when we had to come to town last saturday, for a few hours, she wanted to go back to the campground instead of going home. So we headed back to base camp and when we arrived we had a new neighbour with 2 young girls. Sarah was jumping with excitment before I could park the car. So, I got to relax and Sarah had friends to keep her busy for a day and a bit.
Thanks to all at Sam & Jayna's Birthday party, we had a good time. So sorry we could not have stayed longer. There are pictures in August Photos. Let me know if prints are needed.
Ok, I have to go work for a while
Monday, August 15, 2005
Where did the last week go?
Came home from Kayaking/Camping last Sunday and went through a full regular week of work waiting for the end as I knew I was going to be on holidays the following after. I hate working knowing holidays are coming up and the summer is coming to an end.
Mon. Aug 8 - Happy Birthday Jayna Parker!!! Sarah is still in Newfoundland. Monday comes and Monday evening comes and Tuesday is coming quicker and I know Saskatchewan is coming to town this week to play in Ottawa. Why has Mark not phoned me, does he not know that there is a ball game here this week???
Tues. Aug 9 - Sarah is still in Newfoundland. Ho hum, another day at work. I better phone Mark maybe he does not know there is a football game this week, nah, he would know! Oh my god...Did they enjoy their week camping with Andy and Tawna so much that both families ran off on 2 more weeks of alone time? Nah... They better be ok!
Wed. Aug 10 - Sarah is still in Newfoundland. The phone finally rang. "YES, let's go to the game tomorrow! Yeah, uh-huh, ok, that's great. We will pick tickets up there. Yeah, uh-huh, ok, see you then. Yes, it will be a great game! Your family? Oh yes, good, glad all are well and had a good vacation. Yes, the lower seating would be best, awesome, ciao!" Just kidding. I was truly glad to hear most of the Sweitzer's vacation went well.
Thurs. Aug 11 - My cousin, Lisa, had a baby boy at 6:20 p.m. Eight pounds 3 ounces, his name is Jacob James. Congrats to the family! Sarah is still in Newfoundland. Went to the football game, beautiful night for a game on Bank St. It was an exciting game, check it out here. Not much else.
Fri. Aug 12 - Sarah is still in Newfoundland. Head up to my father's after work to work on the new deck. Ok, will work on it tomorrow, as it is too late by the time we get there.
Sat. Aug 13 - Sarah is still in Newfoundland. Woke up, in my tent, went to the Hotel for breakfast then worked on the deck all day. We all (2 brothers and 1 father) critiqued, joked, and ridiculed each other all day, but the first half of the deck got done. Went to bed in my tent.
Sun. Aug 14 - Happy anniversary Jeff and Melanie Whiskin! Sarah is coming home today! Woke up, looked at the deck...Find a few errors. Leave to get Sarah at airport.......yeah!!!!! Drop off Sarah's stuff, feed lizard, head to Home Depot, and back to lake to finish weekend work. But when we get there people have left and work is done. So we relax and me and Sarah crash in the tent. As she wants to practice sleeping in it before we head out this coming Wednesday for 2 days of camping at Pleasure Park.
Mon. Aug 15 - Happy Anniversary Scott and Holly Parker! Spent the day lazing around the lake as it was just simply beautiful lazing weather. Got Todd up on the wakeboard, even with a sore back. Wrestled with a chipmunk with a peanut on a string. Tear down tent and collect wood and camping crap for this weeks small camping outing with Sarah.
So, that's a quick wrap on the past week.
We all want Rona to have fun in Scotland when she leaves this Thursday!
Looking forward to the Parker's shared birthday party this Sat. Aug. 20 at 3:00!
Unfortunatley, there are NO new pictures as I forgot to bring my camera (for the past week) with me.
Let's talk soon...
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Finished weekend with a Kayak Tour

Had a great quiet weekend at Misty Isles. It was beautiful weather and we tested out the new 2 room tent with vestibule. Todd was amazed at how big it was. We all had plenty of room for...well, everything. We finished the weekend with a 3+ hour Kayak Tour through a few of the1000 Islands (which we found out there is about 1800 islands). It was fun and addictive, we are going to do this again!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Another weekend of camping
The new tent purchase is to get Sarah used to camping. Hopefully she and I will be doing some camping during the week of the 15th.
Speaking of Sarah she is now on her 6th day in Newfoundland. It sounds like she is having a ball, so I am happy for that. Still want her to come home, as time is running out before school starts.
Ok, off to pack for tomorrow. Leaving right from work (after work). Hopefully I can get some nice photos from the kayak.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Came back early
Myself and Len are going out camping again this upcoming weekend. Down to the Thousand Islands and a little daytripping (maybe some kayaking, too). I think we will be more prepared for all weathers!
I will not say much about our weekend, you will have to look at the photos. They are all in the AUGUST PHOTO link. The weekend started in July, but I did not want you all flipping back and forth to July and go straight to August.
Talk to you all very soon!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Off for the weekend...Bridge Family Reunion

Holly, Scott, Jayna, Sam, we hope you guys have had a good holiday up near Timmins.
Tasha, Mark, Ben, Mitchell, have a great time down near Niagara!
Mom, we won't embarrass your family name too much.
Dad, enjoy your first Intelcom Courier BBQ at your place!
Cathy, Tod, Dylan...We did not get a chance to see you at all during your 2 weeks up in the Ottawa Valley. Is the Zoo still in the making?
Sarah, I hope you are having fun on your 2nd day in Newfoundland...MISS YOU!!!
And to everyone one else...GOODNIGHT!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Long weekend in August.
Which then reminded me that my Uncle Brian and Aunt Marci where supposed to do a motorcycle tour up the Bruce peninsula and on to Manitoulin Island. We all hope that was fun and you returned alive with un-cramped legs!
Weekend camping with Sweitzers
Again, to the Sweitzers, we had a GREAT weekend and we both had fun. I hope you all did as well. Many, many thanks!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Don't forget to check out my Brother
Len's web now has some photos in his Image Gallery, of trees and water and stuff in Algonquin park. All the exciting things from "Brother's Do Algonquin Park", the family version.
Camera broken!
Took a week to think about what to do with it and it cost less to get fixed than buy a new one. Even though, I noticed my camera's price has dropped considereably. So it is out being repaired. Hopefully, I will have it back by July 22nd. Just in time for the weekend.
Well that's my filler for the day!
Have a great day!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Nothing new
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oh yeah, Hockey is back!
Haircut and Blues
I heard that Bluesfest is letting us go back tonight with our receipt of yesterday's ticket. So...I guess I will go back downtown. And, yep, it's supposed to rain again!
Thursday, July 14, 2005 | ||
T.B.A. | Anyone with a day pass to Bluesfest for Wednesday, July 13 can attend ThursdayÂÂs performances. Patrons will be asked to present their day-ticket wristband or ticket stub at the entrance to Bluesfest on Thursday to gain entrance. | |
6:15 pm | James Bryan | |
7:30 pm | Michael Franti & Spearhead | |
8:45 pm | India.Arie |
Thursday, July 14, 2005 | ||
T.B.A. | Anyone with a day pass to Bluesfest for Wednesday, July 13 can attend ThursdayÂÂs performances. Patrons will be asked to present their day-ticket wristband or ticket stub at the entrance to Bluesfest on Thursday to gain entrance. | |
6:15 pm | Soul Review Board | |
7:45 pm | Rodney Crowell | |
9:30 pm | Rufus Wainwright |
Monday, July 11, 2005
I just wanted to thank Brian and Marci for the hospitality. Susan and Haley for the fun day at Marine Land. Melanie, Sarah thanks you for the lip gloss! Tod, Cathy and Dylan for the wonderful evening and morning of relaxing (I think Tod was there)! And to Dad and Dale for the most enjoyable work on the last 2 days of vacation, I will be back very soon to cut the branches up and hopefully start the great deck extension.
Time to go to work and rest!
Photos of 1st week of Vacation
Beware, you might get bored of all the WATER!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Happy Canada Day everyone
So sorry to the Sweitzer's for not getting out to see you this weekend. We ran into a little trouble getting there. I heard you had a great weekend camping. Sarah and I really hope we get out with you before the summer is over. We really want to!
It was good to see the whole gang (or most of it) up at the cabin. Sarah got most of you on camera (just check out July's Photo's).
Which reminds me......It is now July, so (you all now the drill) there is a new link on the right to July's photo's. A few more have been added to June.
Oh, yes, and my brothers made it back alive from Algonquin park. Only one day early. Not because they were eager to get back, but just because apparently it was just WAY too windy to canoe the big Opeongo Lake on the way back. So good for them! We will be looking for a link to my brothers web site to see there journey via GPS and photos.
It is now Sunday 9:30 pm, I have to go and charge my camera batteries and pack some bags. Talk to all next week.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Middle of the Second official week of summer
Mark and Tasha, hope your weekend in Montreal was fun (nice hat Tasha, like it). And I hope your weekend in Pleasant Park is good for camping.
Todd and Len, this should be day......ummmmm......four of your seven day canoe trip. I hope you still have toothpaste.
What else, oh yes, today was the last day of SCHOOL!!!! Sarah has done very well. She set a goal after her first term to make her report card better (not that it was bad, it was very good). Well, I am very proud to say that she came home with a majority of A+'s...AWESOME!!! We are all proud of her. She is very proud of her self, as well. Just a like a girl to have a report card like that.
Chuck, I would assume that haveing a brilliant daughter, she has a report card like Sarah's. Don't tell me that marks like that dissappear after the second grade!!!
One more day of work than I am off to who knows where. As long as it is hot, don't even mind the humidity...I LOVE Canada.
PS - Video Page was added on the right hand Link Column. I do not know how long the videos will take to load (let me know), especially you people on Dial-Up.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Like Father Like Son
Ben represented his class in the storytelling contest today. He did the story "More Pies" by Robert Munsch. He did so well....I was very proud. Mark went to work late so he could go......I think I saw a little tear in his eye. Ben is a very good public speaker. He just lapped it up when the kids laughed at him when he made his funny gestures......I wonder where he gets that from???
What, Mark was caught crying!!! Just kidding.
Good for you Ben,
Sarah and Jason
Monday, June 20, 2005
Vacation time is coming!
Myself and Sarah are on Vacation from July 1st to July 15th. We will be driving down to Niagara Falls on July 5th, staying a few days and driving back to Toronto on July 7th (I think) for a night or two. Sarah NEEDS to see the Zoo! Then from there we are going somewhere we don't know where yet or just back home because animals are tiring (zoo not Sarah).
Len and Todd are headed to Algonquin Park for 7 days of canoeing. I think they are leaving on, not sure when, actually it might be this Friday or Saturday, till July 2nd.
Then the first two weeks of August Sarah is off to the Rock for 2 weeks.
I am looking to go Camping/Kayaking (touring, not whitewater) a couple of times this summer. Any one want to go? Any one know any good places? Thinking of doing Tobermory or west side of Georgian bay. Who knows. Anyone have a Touring kayak for sale that can hold camping equipment for 3 to 5 days?
Cathy, when are you guys headed up next?
All the other new stuff that is not important
Dad found a flower or two. Yes, apparently it is the very rare and unknown Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-Slipper). So we all thought this was terrible exciting. Well, all the flora and fauna people thought so. So, I said "OK, let me look this up". Unfortunately, I came up with a bunch of sites (click on title) that say it is in 10 Provinces and 1 Territory (I don't remember how many we have in Canada).
This weekend there was a "Sarah Bird House" assembly going on at 60 Johnson Rd. Take a look at the June Photos to see who did what.
Oh yes, the biggest news is the Septic Tank at 60 Johnson Rd was to be pumped on Monday morning (yes that is today). So we got to digging and lifting the concrete lid to take a look. As we popped the cap to the Tank, we soon found that it was VERY close to the limit and someone ran off gagging looking like they were going to POP!
That's all folks
WOW, I am wanted!
I am so popular and extremely in demand, because apparently I can not even keep my blog updated fast enough. I am being hounded and hounded by the public..."Jason, where's the new stuff?"..."Jason, gives us some more!"..."Jason, we love you!"..."Jason, please put ME on your blog"..."Jason, why haven't you answered your fan mail?"..."Jason, why do you not have pants on?"...
Ok, I am trying to update once a week on a Sunday night or a Monday night. Sometimes, I do try and go out into the real world.
As for all those other comments...keep them coming. Anything you want added here, just let me know by email, phone, fax, courier, car, train, bus, plane, etc. I can be bought and sold.
People of the land, I love you all too.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Bens' 8th Birthday
Thanks again!
Hot weekend
What do you do on the hottest day of the year...order a dump truck full of sand and shovel it around! As you can see by the new photos in the June Photo's there is not a soul near the dirt. Ok, the photos were taken after it was shoveled, raked and leveled out.
There are also a few photos of Chuck's first love (and maybe one of his daughter).
Cathy and Tod, so sorry to hear what happened at the cabin!
Len and Todd, nice tent. Don't spend too much time in it.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Level 2 Adult Golf
Congratulations to Chuck and/or Todd
Some people do weird things when they have nothing to do...
Well, wake up and get on their bicycle at 2:30 in the morning and ride it to Johnson Lake!
Do they bring water? NO! Buy some at a store near the entrance to Gatineau Park. "OOPS, it's 3:20 am, no store's open".
Oh well, find a vending machine. Great, on with the journey!
The trip was 88 kilometers. Doesn't seem too far, but, you won't catch me doing it.
So, Todd got it done in 8 hours and arrived at 10:30 in the morning. But there were plenty of stops along the way. Except for the trek through Gatineau Park, where he kept hearing motorcycles catching up to him in. Turn, look, nothing there. Hear it again and again and again! Still nothing around. Turned out to just be the thousands and thousands of mosquitoes. He would not even stop to take a break they were so bad. Who needs bug repellant!
Todd, good job. Glad you did it. Next time, ride back as well.
First camping trip
Friday after work, myself and Uncle Len, drove Sarah to her first camp. Yes, it is only Friday evening till Sunday afternoon, but a good start to try and get Sarah into the camping thing.
Three leaders and ten little girls all sleeping to gether in a nice cabin! Unfortunatley, this Girl Guide Camp has thing against men. I offered my services and volunteered to stay with them for the weekend, but NO MEN allowed. I was distraught!
Dropped off Sarah on Friday, she just ran away as I stood there trying to say good-bye. No problems yet!
I was heading up to the lake so, forward the phone for emergency calls. Next thing you know Sunday morning rolls around and it's pick up time. Not a single problem. She had fun, but she looked exhausted.
Sunday evening at home, as I was installing the air conditioner, came downstairs to find Sarah fast asleep, half on and half off the couch at 5:30pm.
Asked if she wants to go for a week or two during the summer..."NO, 2 days is long enough, too many mosquitos!"
June has arrived
Monday, May 30, 2005
GACL Golf Tourney
Friday, May 27, 2005
Everything you need to know about Groundhogs
Well this happened this week to my buddy Mark. Only difference is; he's is not a young child, don't think it was a big open field, he was not playing tag or football. As a matter of fact, I think he was just casually strolling along and talking.
Actually, I did some research on the internet, and I did learn that it is hard to walk and talk and keep your eyes open for "instantly appearing" groundhog holes.
Buddy, relax that foot and rest! That's why you have a family there to look after you, now, put them to work! So, now that you have all this free time to sit in bed, click on the title and read all you need to know about groundhogs.