Monday, December 11, 2006 keep up with that theme. Here is a link to November photos and here is a link to December photos.
I will try to get back at it in the the new year, ah...who am I kidding! It's Christmas time and Holiday time and New Year time. I will get to it when I get to it!
Here is a link to my "maybe" soon to be released web site...again, who knows when it will come around. It will be up and down and on and off, here and there.
Sarah is still on the go at her place.
So everyone enjoy there holidays, and I will talk to you soon.
King of Jews replaced by King of Beers.
Top 10 scams of 2006.
CFIA, the Canadian version of UFIA, warns you not to eat that spinach you just ate.
Names for 33 things you never knew had names.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bullied student takes interesting approach to solve his problem -- calls mom and sisters to come to his class and protect him. He shouldn't have any problem whatsoever living this down.
Mob of hundreds rush Orlando mall for 16 PS3 consoles. Does anyone see a problem with that? Anyone?
New Zealand to consider lowering its national drinking age from 18 to 3 in an effort to curb crime, as pre-schoolers stage a fire alarm and break into their kindergarten storeroom to consume beer. Left pinky up please.
Things you don't want to hear from your pilot as you're waiting to take off, No. 1: The plane you're sitting in is "a heap of rubbish" and he doesn't think it can make it over the mountain at the end of the runway.
Weatherman fired after nude photo pops up on the web. He contends that it's from his younger, wilder years and he's much better now... now that he's stopped using heroin.
Indiana University researchers come to startling conclusion: The most effective drink to help athletes recover after exercise is... chocolate milk.
Sophia Loren proves she's still sexy at 71. Seriously. With SFW picture goodness.
The Grey Cup -- it's not only an important part of the Canadian identity, but it lets people in the host city drink like fishes for one entire week. Plus, the Calgarians always parade a horse through the swankiest hotel in the city.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Sanfords Fantasy Hockey Pool
Yeah!!!!!!!! Hockey has started....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Here's your chance to prove you're the most hardcore bachelor ever: Make dishwasher-poached salmon.
Now you can drink to your heart's content with this new drug that can repair your liver. Hooray, beer!
Cool photos of the world's biggest hole, and it isn't Courtney Love or Paris Hilton.
University of Toronto prof gets official blessing to smoke pot in his office.
Think you have bad luck? Read this poor guy's obituary and think again.
Photoshop the way out.
First rule of Newfoundland Fight Club: Don't make a website about Newfoundland Fight Club.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Last weekend of August
Thanks to the Parker's for the invite out to Glen Mar Golf & Country Club for brunch. We all enjoyed it very much. Happy birthday to Scott, Jayna and Sam!!!
After brunch, it was off to browse and shop, before heading out to Stacey's parents for her mothers' birthday dinner. Yes!!! More food! It was a great Roast, Yorkshire Puddings, and all.
Friday, August 25, 2006
UK population hits 60 million. That's, like, 94 million teeth.
County lawn workers re-enact "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" after one criticizes the other's lawn skills.
The top 10 stupidest As Seen on TV products of all time.
Mystery of legless man who washed ashore 150 years ago now solved. His name was Bob.
Hooters Air, Heinz All-Natural Cleaning Vinegar, Maxim Hair Color for Men, CNN Most Popular Stories: Brand extensions that just don't work.
Who's killed more, Satan or God? With death tally goodness.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
At the end of July we attended Tristin's 3rd birthday, take a look at some photos here...
The first long weekend of august was supposed to be a trip to the Bruce Peninsula for the Bridge Family Re-Union. I missed it but Len and Todd made the journey (but, did they go?). Maybe they have photos at Len's site, go take a look.....Next year, I plan to book off 5 days (if Sarah is here) to make that trip. Need lots of time to enjoy the country up there!
August 10th, we headed out for 5 days at a family campground at Ivy Lea. That was actually very fun and relaxing. Some pool pics here...
On August 19th, I enjoyed a day of golf at Richmond Centennial Golf Club. It was the first "David Parker Memorial Golf Tournament". It was a great day, with a great turnout (I think around 120 people) , $2600.00 was raised for Amy's education fund and it seems as though everyone had a good time.
And on the evening of the 19th, I headed up to Luskville to a Corn Roast, to meet Stacey's extended family. That was a good time as well and lots of people to meet!
I am sure I am missing more things that we have done, but just can not remember.....I will come back and edit if I remember.
Almonte Highland games to be attended this Saturday August 26th. Then brunch at Glen Mar Golf Course on Sunday August 27th, to celebrate Scott, Jayna and Sam Parker's Birthdays.
One more camping trip is due on the long weekend of September. Up to Voyageur we go.
See ya soon...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
New Car
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Mattawa River trip
The first day there we ran into some issues and had to change our plan slightly. So we camped at Samuel De Champlain for the night and started the river on Sunday around noon. Everything went good for about a day and a half. Then mother nature decided to have some fun! Turned on the radio and they said that a Tornado was in our area, three minutes later we saw the storm coming across the lake. We ended up having to leave on the second day as we tried to make it through the tornado warnings. We lost our tent to blown over trees landing on it and after hanging on to something so that we, ourselves, would not blow away, we decided that we probably could not finish 4 more days without or tent. After assessing the damage and starting to freeze from the rain and cold wind, we called for a ride out.

View camping pictures here...
We appreciate Dad and Dale making the four hour drive to come and get us out of the woods. But then we had other problems to deal with. We found out that most of northern Ontario was without power. No power, no gas stations. So we drove down to Marci and Brians (thanks for the use of your cottage!)near Orillia, arrived about 3:30 am and fell asleep and prepared to gather up our thoughts for picking up our cars.
Gassed up and haveing a couple hours of sleep we headed out for the long drive. It was amazing seeing the damage done all the way up Hwy 11 and back down Hwy 17.
We were all safe but lost Len's great tent, his glasses and one cobra. Oh, and Len's camping pillow, where his head would have been laying!!!
For more detailed info on our trip click here...
Read more about the storm here....
Thursday, June 22, 2006
The Past Week
Monday, June 12, 2006
Another cougar sighting
The eastern cougar was hunted to near extinction in the late 19th century. The last known cougar was shot near the Quebec-Maine border in 1938. Since then, however, thousands of sightings have been reported in Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and the New England states.
Jeff & Shauna's Reception
Follow this link to see a few pictures from Jeff & Shauna's reception on June 10th, 2006.
Look out for a sleepy bear in Westboro
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Twenty-five things every New Yorker should know. Strangely, "We are not the center of the universe" missing from list.
Grandparents offer $100 to undercover police officer to kill their daughter-in-law, three grandkids and their pet dog. (With anus-cringing picture).
Put the image of Jesus on all your baked goods with the Jesus Pan. Christ, this is good bread.
I'll take "Scientific Sex Terminology" for $500, Alex.
Scientists create awesome new jetpack thing that will allow paratroopers to fly 150 miles before landing. (With pic).
HD-DVD or Blu-Ray? Either way, be prepared to grab your ankles and take it up the pooper.
Friday, May 12, 2006
More than 60% of Britons use screwdrivers, scissors, knives, keys, and earrings to floss. And you thought their dental hygiene was bad. Don't you feel silly now?
Pissed off viewer forced to watch table tennis instead of cartoons sends TV station human remains.
How to have a trailer park party. The goggles do nothing for the website.
Why flying a Russian helicopter after hitting the vodka isn't a good idea.
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Putin to Russian people: "Fornicate".
Monday, May 08, 2006
Hopefuls for Tim Hortons Kandahar outlet get survival training
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Is it May already?
It was a cold a wet weekend, so I sanded my table but I did not get to put my second coat on. Another project postponed till the next nice day.
Some photos added to May Photo's also, Sarah will probably have some of her own at her place.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Ottawa To Host Junior Hockey Worlds
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Britain's Foreign Office gives English soccer fans advice on how to find more beer in Germany. Finally, a government agency doing something productive.
Could aliens be our ancestors? A growing number of nutjobs think so.
Dog who collected more than 3,000 balls at golf course rewarded with lifetime membership. Your dog can find two balls anytime he wants but shuns the spotlight.
It's almost worth the drive to Venezuela for $0.14/gallon gasoline.
Top 50 films adapted from books. In no particular order, so voting enabled.
If you are a "cougar" (older lady looking to bag young guys), your days are numbered.
Fifty-nine things a man should never do after 30.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The murders in Canada have been in the news, but not the fact that the Ontario Provincial Police use VW Bugs.
Discover the missing link between two vices as Ben and Jerry's release an ice cream that tastes like a cream stout beer. Damn you, Ben and Jerry's.
The coolest treehouse you'll see today.
Outsourcing the Drive-Through
The New York Times today takes a look inside the world of minimum-wage order takers and the picture isn't pretty (for the order takers, I mean; for the company, it seems to work great). Basically, the experience of working as a long-distance listener is a lot like working in a call center anywhere: low pay, electronic monitoring, and row after row of cubicles. The upside is that you don't need to empty the grease traps the end of your shift, a job that (and I speak from experience) will make you grateful for your current employment, whatever it is.
The system is currently a trial project that serves 40 McDonald's in the US (including Hawaii). When a customer rolls up to the order board, their conversation is actually routed across the Internet to someone working in a California call center. Call center employees are specifically trained to be fast, polite, and to upsell—or, as Joseph Fleischer of Call Center Magazine describes it, "advising the customer on getting more out of the product." The employee then enters the order into a computer, which routes it back over the Internet to the local McDonald's, which assembles the requested items.
Read more...Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
10 Best Internet Spoofs
"It must be true. I read it on the internet." Au contraire, mon frere. Internet hoaxes have been around for as long as the internet itself, and we never run out of people willing to fall for them.
Some are so clever that it's easy to be taken in. Others are so patently ridiculous that you should probably slash your wrists for falling so easily. Here are 10 of the best.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Phone companies phase in 10 digit local calls
The 10-digit local dialing will be phased in over the next six months for residents served by area codes 819 and 613.
However, phone companies in Ontario and Quebec are urging customers to begin dialing all 10 digits on Thursday to get used to the change.
Starting on June 17, a recorded message will also remind callers to dial the full 10 digits next time, but the phone call will still go through.
Internet connections, faxes and other data transmission will need the 10 digits, starting on that date.
Ten-digit dialing becomes mandatory for local calls on Oct. 21.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Automatic Post Update by Email
Great Dragon scheduled to eat the sun tomorrow. Scientists say devout prayers and sacrifices of slightly used virgins to the FSM our only hope of survival.
Red Bull and vodka give drinkers a false sense of sobriety. Further study required.
Pamela Anderson asks for a meeting with the Canadian PM over the seal hunt. In other news, it appears as if someone bought her a thesaurus.
World's first "beer spa" opens in Czech Republic. Visitors can get beer massages, beer cosmetics and swim in beer while drinking a pint at a bathside bar.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The Historic Opeongo Line
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
What is the 2009 IIHF World Junior Hockey Championship?
And we should have it here in HOCKEY COUNTRY!
Click on the icon at the top right hand corner of my blog and add your support to bring this tournament to Ottawa. No money is needed just show them you want it hear. Do it now, I want be at all 31 games!!!
What are the benefits of hosting the WJHC ?
Past host communities of the IIHF world junior hockey championship have gained tremendous immediate and long-term benefits from the experience. As a result, many cities have hosted the event more than once, and are already working on plans to host the championship again in the future.
Economic benefits to the area would be substantial. Estimates of the economic activity from the 2009 championship are $45-60 million.
The 2009 IIHF World Junior Hockey Championship, will be an incredible opportunity to showcase and strengthen our city's strong hockey heritage.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Koziol Productions Entertainment introduction clip
Explore the history of getting drunk and getting it on - - Going to need some more research!
Teens raising money to bail friend out of jail for drinking need to have some more teens have a party to bail them out of jail for drinking.
Father tries to embarrass daughter by webcasting her messy bedroom. Daughter gets revenge by webcasting father in compromising positions.
Coolest photo you will see today: Aircraft carrier sunset.
150 energy drinks reviewed.
Wallpaper that updates with an photorealistic image of the Earth as it would be seen from space at that precise moment.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
More Camping
Shortly I should have the backwoods water trip booked for the Mattawa river journey in mid-July.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ottawa Police break up major identity theft scam.
Everyone rejoice: Nutritionists recommend less soda, more beer.
The all important question "Can I keep nude photos of my wife's friend?" has finally been answered.
Woman claims to have contracted AIDS from body parts illegally harvested from corpses. Two New Orleans gypsies filling a tub full of ice wanted for questioning.
Families squabble over winning coffee cup.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Well, Canada won, how many, I think it was 24 medals. That was a great medal count for us.
One of the main reasons I have not done anything is because I finally got my new computer and I have switched over to Apple World. My new iMac Intel dual core is running...."Awesomely"? Or something like that. It is a very big change, and I am trying to figure out how the whole Macintosh thing works, so bare with me!
I was just adding March 2006 photos and then it suddenly hit me. I now have been officially blogging for 1 year! Happy anniversary to me and my readers. So thanks to all you people who have visited me about 4570 times.
And thanks to those that signed up on the automatic email update. That makes it easier on all of us. If you want the automatic update sent to you whenever there is a update at MY site and only MY site, just enter your email on the right. You will only get an update when new material is added.
The iMac seems to have great multimedia advantages, and I think you will all see and hear them as there will be new material coming soon from Koziol Productions. We are working on new film and there may even be some musical work on the near horizon. Fun times are coming.
What else, oh, who knows! But I will be back soon for more updating.
Cruise the seven seas, be sexually molested. Or perhaps simply disappear.
Google plans world domination through mind control. From space.
Michael Jackson thinks if he does 300 push-ups a day he'll be macho enough for people to stop calling him weird and start buying his albums.
Playstation advertising poster advises "take a running jump" on station platform (with pic).
Scientists have developed a sensing device to indicate when UFOs are present. Old method of waking up with no memory and a sore ass determined to be unreliable.
Photoshop this strange, angular rock formation.
Saskatchewan newspaper prints cartoon of Jesus preforming oral sex -- 20 people revolt.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
"Moderate" quake hits Central Canada
Sylvia Hayek, seismologist for Natural Resources Canada, said the earthquake, which struck around 8:39 p.m. EST, measured a 4.5-magnitude, but wasn't strong enough to cause major damage.
"It's a moderate earthquake, so we wouldn't expect any damage," Ms. Hayek said late Friday.
The quake was centred north of Thurso, Que., about 45 kilometres east-northeast of Ottawa, said John Adams, a seismologist with Natural Resources Canada.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Praying for our friend
The passenger, also 36, made it to shore and pull himself out of the river. It was the second time in eight days that a snowmobile went through ice near Fitzroy Harbour. The first incident happened on Feb. 12 and involved Kanata's Brendan Nash, who died in the incident. That same weekend, another snowmobile driver died in a crash.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Pickpocket robs Olympic athlete and attempts to outrun her.
"Contract of Wifely Expectations." The Smoking Gun has all the wierdos for you.
Guy that screwed up Katrina relief thinks it's just dandy if Middle Eastern firms take over vital American ports. What could possibly go wrong?
Jamaican man watches "Cool Runnings," moves to Canada, wins silver medal in bobsled.
Twenty things you didn't know about U.S. presidents.
Man who stapled his penis to a cross and set it on fire in a bar bet says he couldn't be more thrilled to have received a Darwin Award.
Olympic cheerleaders officially suck. NC Panthers cheerleaders set to retrain them.
Surviving Bee Gees reunite for charity concert, sign of apocalypse.
Today's mind-bendingly addictive flash puzzle game: Blueprint.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Sign up now!
WOW!!! What a time saver for all you wonderful people.
Tod is new Champ!!
Ok, ok...Congratulations to you! I am sure your endless nights of practice everyday, and your tired eyes in the morning, finally paid off. Now you will have your wife staying up till 4 in the morning just trying to top your score. And you will be screaming at her to come to bed, not to enjoy your company, but to keep her away from your 9.7 million points.
Again YIPPEE!!! We are all very proud of your achievement and we want to know if you now have Carpal Tunel.
First booked camping of 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Linux beats Windows to Intel iMac.
Man invents flying Cadillac Escalade, sets up geek/bling convergence not seen since Del tha Funkee Homosapien's last album.
What do stormchasers do in the winter? Build Tesla coils in their basement, of course.
Today's "porn video mistakenly shown during lecture" story brought to you by Fukuoka police.
Man who got a nail stuck in his neck in 1970 while mowing his lawn has finally coughed it out (with pic ).
Little boy raised by monkeys is now a grown man living among humans. Likes to play guitar, wants to build a house and get married, but is having difficulty finding a woman who also enjoys throwing feces.
How to bury your dead: Reuters guide for the killer-to-be.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Penis surgery: The long and short of it.
Funeral interrupted when the "deceased" phones his daughter to complain that nobody is visiting him.
The "heart" symbol is actually a representation of a woman's bum.
Ten-year-old boy forbidden to bring cardboard "Leafs No. 1" sign into Toronto Maple Leafs game because security considered it "a weapon," as well as an embarassing falsehood.
Canadians having more and more virtual sex. Especially when it takes 45 minutes to get fully undressed this time of year.
Study finds that pizza-topping preferences may indicate ideal dating partners. For instance, men prefering onions should date women prefering onions, whereas men prefering double-cheese, super-supreme thick crust should date Starr Jones.
Shout out to UK workers: February 24th is Work Your Proper Hours Day. Check out early, and smell the slack.
Tests show shopping-cart handles and mice at Internet cafes are the most bacteria-ridden public items.
Wayne Gretzky's gambling investigation compared to the crucifixtion of Jesus.
About the Firefox "memory leak"
What I think many people are talking about however with Firefox 1.5 is not really a memory leak at all. It is in fact a feature.
Monday, February 13, 2006
"Don't work too hard," wrote a colleague in an e-mail today. Was she sincere or sarcastic? I think I know (sarcastic), but I'm probably wrong.
According to recent research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, I've only a 50-50 chance of ascertaining the tone of any e-mail message. The study also shows that people think they've correctly interpreted the tone of e-mails they receive 90 percent of the time.
"That's how flame wars get started," says psychologist Nicholas Epley of the University of Chicago, who conducted the research with Justin Kruger of New York University. "People in our study were convinced they've accurately understood the tone of an e-mail message when in fact their odds are no better than chance," says Epley.
Read more of this article By Stephen Leahy at Wired News...
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Study confirms l337 status of Firefox.
Two more categories in which the girls are beating the boys: Use of drugs and alcohol.
Bloomberg fires office worker for playing PC Solitaire; no word on plans to promote office Freecell gurus.
Canadians should warm up those exchange rate jokes... $1 CDN = $0.95 U.S. by end of 2007.
Northern Canadian city to fine drivers for sloppy parking. In related development, Rockstar Games cancels plans for "Grand Theft Auto: Iqaluit".
Monday, February 06, 2006
Over 1,250 calories of dessert goodness, the Snikers pie, called one of the unhealthiest recipes of all time.
Can you manage a McDonald's franchise without driving it into the ground? Find out in this fairly ambitious simulation.
"The Freshman 15" is actually "The Freshman 7".
Upset by what he paid for a new Ford Escape, man returns the vehicle to the dealership. Through the showroom. On fire.
When police arrive to collect a fine, you aren't really helping your situation by inviting them in for booze and crack.
Study finds 80 percent of men who won't see "Brokeback" secretly wish to star in it.
Typping beig taugjt imn kinedrgarten.
The only thing worse than seeing a half-naked guy ruining your girlfriend's night at the theatre is getting your ass kicked by him when you complain about it.
Caption these St. Louis Blues hockey players.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Happy birthday to OMA! Yes, to my mother. She is all geared up and ready to start thinking about opening shop again in ONLY one months' time!
I am hoping that the tail end of winter will fly by, as not much is happening here. Winterlude is coming on us very fast, which is a close sign of spring (Waterlude). If we even get the weather for it is another story.
My new job is going very well. I really like it a lot! It will be just over 2 months now. Still a little early, but it looks great. Here is some nice photos of what it is doing to my body.
Heard what my territory will be (still a guestimate). And I like the looks of it. West side of Ottawa, out to Smiths Falls (or is it Perth, who knows) and up the valley north of Algonquin Park to Matawa area. Yes......camping territory on a Friday afternoon!
And a Happy Early Birthday to my father, this coming Monday!
Not else too new for the moment. But I hope to start writing my descriptive adventures (with photos attached) very soon to come.
Take care!
Wiarton Willie forcasts early Spring.
CBS to Apple: Suck it.
Harrison Ford helps girlfriend Calista Flockheart join Mile High Club, has shared this hobby with his family for years.
Flock of songbirds slams into window and dies after they gorge themselves on fermented berries. Swore they'd be okay to fly with a cup of coffee.
Study shows having an "office spouse" makes you happier in your job. Downside? Going home and complaining to your "real spouse" that your "office spouse" just doesn't understand you.
NYC girl puts up 113 in High School hoops game, tells Kobe to suck it. Kobe invites her to his hotel room.
It is against the law for anyone to harrass the seals while they are on shore. However, feel free to kill them once they are in the water.
U.S Army to issue soldiers with caffeine-laced chewing gum. Pentagon still working on portable combat meth cooker.
The top 10 weirdest USB devices ever.
Top 10 myths about hybrid cars.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Man is thankful it had been snowing after falling 130 feet from a helicopter and landing in a drift, uninjured.
Top 12 wackiest moments in Super Bowl history.
An in-depth analysis of why it's still cool to say "cool." Plus, a list of other wack slang words that didn't stand the test of time.
Cool pic of the Horsehead Nebula taken in Camden, NC.
Any pic of an erupting volcano with auroras intersecting the plumes of smoke and taken by a guy named Sigurdur H. Stefnisson must be cool.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Now you won't trip over empties during midnight beer runs. Why? Slippers with headlights, of course.
The 100 best companies to work for.
Top 25 jobs from now until 2009.
For those of you who may find themselves stranded someday with a sugarholic. How to make a fire with a can of Coke and a chocolate bar.
The coolest yet most vertigo-inducing pic you'll see all day: A view of Earth from a futuristic Space Elevator.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Violent crime is up in Canada. Naturally, this is somehow the United States' fault.
How getting undressed reveals your personality.
Hydropolis - The world's first underwater hotel under construction in Dubai. For people who like to sleep in wet beds.
MIT architect takes treehouses to a whole new level.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game
A few photos from behind the bench of Team Orr.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Sean Penn demands to know what asshole took
Laser-projected keyboard. Sharks not included.
Canada Post refused to deliver Sex Party's political leaflets. In other news, Canada has a Sex Party.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Skiing, Canal skating in jeopardy, report.
Bisexual dad B, who impregnated Lesbian A (who intends to marry Lesbian C), has sued to have full parental rights to Child D, even though A got pregnant again from a homosexual man to bear another Child, E.
There is a cure for the common cold. It's hot sex!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
39 megapixel digital camera costs more than a BMW.
Conan O'Brien may be affecting Finland's Presidental Election.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Muppet mayhem.
Canada's oil supplies to surpass Saudi Arabia's, Bush being briefed by the CIA about Canada's WMD's and terrorist training camps. Invasion in three... two... one...
Why you should choose your font carefully.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
You're more likely to suffer accidental injury within the first three minutes of getting up in the morning than if you're drunk.
Man recites the first 4,400 digits of pi from memory. Coincidentally, that's the number of girls that have rejected him.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
There are things that will always get you into trouble with your girlfriend. Forgetting her birthday, for instance, or checking out another woman. Or maybe taking naked pictures of her mom.
A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits. Tongue twisters.
"Why, this kebab is Fluffy" "How on earth did you know?"
Sunday, January 08, 2006
It's official: the new ultra-retro Dodge Challenger.
Bush villages in Alaska can now get pizza airdropped to their door for free.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
New talking "Potty Time With Elmo" book freaks kids out by asking "Who Wants To Die?" (with video, audio from book).
Paper airplane simulator.
Quite possibly the most amazing miniature engine ever built. That's 18...yes...18 cylinders!
After tonight's bender test your reaction time with this traditional British sheep injection game.
Bartender tricks to curing a hangover.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year!