Forget the PS3, pass on the Wii, this season's most wanted toy (by single females and confused males).
Bullied student takes interesting approach to solve his problem -- calls mom and sisters to come to his class and protect him. He shouldn't have any problem whatsoever living this down.
Mob of hundreds rush Orlando mall for 16 PS3 consoles. Does anyone see a problem with that? Anyone?
New Zealand to consider lowering its national drinking age from 18 to 3 in an effort to curb crime, as pre-schoolers stage a fire alarm and break into their kindergarten storeroom to consume beer. Left pinky up please.
Things you don't want to hear from your pilot as you're waiting to take off, No. 1: The plane you're sitting in is "a heap of rubbish" and he doesn't think it can make it over the mountain at the end of the runway.
Weatherman fired after nude photo pops up on the web. He contends that it's from his younger, wilder years and he's much better now... now that he's stopped using heroin.
Indiana University researchers come to startling conclusion: The most effective drink to help athletes recover after exercise is... chocolate milk.
Sophia Loren proves she's still sexy at 71. Seriously. With SFW picture goodness.
The Grey Cup -- it's not only an important part of the Canadian identity, but it lets people in the host city drink like fishes for one entire week. Plus, the Calgarians always parade a horse through the swankiest hotel in the city.