Wednesday, August 23, 2006


It's hard to imagine that the summer is almost over. I think the last time a wrote something here, it was at the end of July, and it was one sentence. Well it is now almost September and let me see if I can some up the recent past.....

At the end of July we attended Tristin's 3rd birthday, take a look at some photos here...

The first long weekend of august was supposed to be a trip to the Bruce Peninsula for the Bridge Family Re-Union. I missed it but Len and Todd made the journey (but, did they go?). Maybe they have photos at Len's site, go take a look.....Next year, I plan to book off 5 days (if Sarah is here) to make that trip. Need lots of time to enjoy the country up there!

August 10th, we headed out for 5 days at a family campground at Ivy Lea. That was actually very fun and relaxing. Some pool pics here...

On August 19th, I enjoyed a day of golf at Richmond Centennial Golf Club. It was the first "David Parker Memorial Golf Tournament". It was a great day, with a great turnout (I think around 120 people) , $2600.00 was raised for Amy's education fund and it seems as though everyone had a good time.

And on the evening of the 19th, I headed up to Luskville to a Corn Roast, to meet Stacey's extended family. That was a good time as well and lots of people to meet!

I am sure I am missing more things that we have done, but just can not remember.....I will come back and edit if I remember.

Almonte Highland games to be attended this Saturday August 26th. Then brunch at Glen Mar Golf Course on Sunday August 27th, to celebrate Scott, Jayna and Sam Parker's Birthdays.

One more camping trip is due on the long weekend of September. Up to Voyageur we go.

See ya soon...

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