Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wisconsin being overrun by wild pigs. Wisconsinites respond by stocking up on sausage machines, beer and bratwurst buns.

MSNBC reports on the coming apocalypse. EVERYBODY PANIC!

Drunk guy gets busted at the toll booth in Florida. The dead body in the windshield aroused suspicion.

Ahh, autumn: The time of year when trees prepare for winter, change color and kill each other.

Van Halen to be next band to look for singer on Rock Star reality show?

Lunch at the White House almost ruined when Bush asks Bono to sing that "I've Got You Babe" song.

Starbucks stirs things up with a God quote on cups: "Jesus Christ, this cup of coffee cost $5?" to be the first.

FOLLOW UP.........."Big piece of poop" withdraws from mayoral race.

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