Monday, February 20, 2006

Strangest buildings on earth.

Pickpocket robs Olympic athlete and attempts to outrun her.

"Contract of Wifely Expectations." The Smoking Gun has all the wierdos for you.

Guy that screwed up Katrina relief thinks it's just dandy if Middle Eastern firms take over vital American ports. What could possibly go wrong?

Jamaican man watches "Cool Runnings," moves to Canada, wins silver medal in bobsled.

Twenty things you didn't know about U.S. presidents.

Man who stapled his penis to a cross and set it on fire in a bar bet says he couldn't be more thrilled to have received a Darwin Award.

Olympic cheerleaders officially suck. NC Panthers cheerleaders set to retrain them.

Surviving Bee Gees reunite for charity concert, sign of apocalypse.

Today's mind-bendingly addictive flash puzzle game: Blueprint.

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